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Cristiano Ronaldo saluta Torino e i tifosi: ameró la cittá di Torino per sempre

Redazione Quotidiano Piemontese



Con un post su Instagram Cristiano Ronaldo dopo l’ufficializzazione della sua cessione al Manchester United ha voluto salutare la Juventus, i suoi tifosi e la cittá di Torino.

Today I depart from an amazing club, the biggest in Italy and surely one of the biggest in all of Europe. I gave my heart and soul for Juventus and I’ll always love the city of Turin until my final days. The “tiffosi bianconeri” always respected me and I tried to thank that respect by fighting for them in every game, every season, every competition. In the end, we can all look back and realize that we achieved great things, not all that we wanted, but still, we wrote a pretty beautiful story together.

“Juve, storia di un grande amore
Bianco che abbraccia il nero
Coro che si alza davvero
Juve per sempre sara…”

I will always be one of you. You are now part of my history, as I feel that I’m part of yours. Italy, Juve, Turin, tiffosi bianconeri, you’ll always be in my heart.

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